space lattice

Unwinding the Cosmos

At present there is a great deal of interest (and confusion) around a new field of science generally referred to as torsion physics. The Einstein-Cartan theory upon which it is based describes magnetism and gravity as two sides of the same coin - the curvature and twisting of spacetime. It may well give us the missing link needed to solve the world’s energy and ecological crises while offering the ultimate “Theory of Everything”. Read More...

Music of the Quantum Lattice

In the field of high-energy physics, a rapidly rising theory called Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (Lattice QCD) proposes an invisible all-pervasive field beneath atomic structure. As a long overdue replacement for Einstein’s vacuous space-time continuum, we are now poised for a return to the ancient Pythagorean worldview of musica universalis. Read More...