The Forgotten Science: Zero-Point Energy

Several long forgotten principles of electromagnetism and something called “Zero-Point Energy” (ZPE) have reemerged in recent years as a central part of the search for free energy. This includes three revolutionary technologies: 1) wireless transmission of electricity, 2) free electrostatic energy and 3) passive electrical propulsion. Together, these technologies could bring about a catalytic change in the world, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels while rearranging the planet’s politico-economic landscape.

To understand ZPE, we need to begin with a theory. Several new theories describe it as the residual energy resonating in a “space lattice” [The Genesis of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Forces, Peter Grandics, Ph.D, 2002]. This view proposes space is actually a cubic arrangement of spiraling “energy vortices” that fill space perfectly as a non-compressible lattice. Manipulating the space lattice and tapping into its energy vortices then becomes a unifying goal of ZPE research.

In this model of the universe, everything is described as some form of crystallized energy. Matter is said to originate from “angular energy” that has crystallized into a molecular lattice. Applying pressure causes matter to crystallize further and take on a larger more visible geometry, like that of a hexagonal quartz crystal or octahedral diamond. As things crystallize, they become more stable, coherent and resonant.

All life is described as a crystal too. Our bodies can be seen as a liquid crystal on a skeleton lattice. Even “empty space” can be described as a crystal, still resonating with background energy from the Big Bang. In this seemingly “occult” view of nature, electromagnetic energy becomes defined as the resonance of crystallized space where electricity, magnetism and gravity flow through a zero-point space lattice. We might even say the universe is an enormous crystal of frozen music.

Electricity is then a resonant property of the space lattice where material objects, with their own resonant properties, can direct electrical flow just like a lens bends light. When two objects have the right geometry and are tuned to the same frequency, they are said to be resonant. This idea is no different than acoustic resonance in musical instruments. That is, when a tone is played on one instrument, a second instrument with the same acoustic properties will vibrate sympathetically. In 1900, physicist Nikola Tesla demonstrated that electricity exhibits similar resonance characteristics by transmitting electricity through space between two tuned electromagnetic coils.

Recently, a team of researchers at MIT announced they had renewed research into Tesla’s wireless transmission of electricity and produced amazing results []. They found that when they tuned an energy transmitter and receiver to the same frequency, known as resonance coupling, both the amount of electricity transmitted and the distance it traveled increased dramatically. They also found that normal radio antennas would scatter energy in all directions, so they developed a special class of “non-radiative” objects with “long-lived resonances” to capture and hold the energy. These resonant objects became a lens for the electricity, producing long flickering “tails” of energy that would sympathetically “tunnel” across to a second object tuned to the same electromagnetic frequency.

Using this process the team powered a light bulb without plugging it in. And even though it sounds like it might be dangerous, they claim resonance coupled electrical transmission is actually no more harmful to humans than radio waves. Dubbing it “WiTricity”, they plan to make it available in the next couple of years. But if this is too long to wait, try out the wireless power pad for portable devices developed by a UK company called Splashpower []. Just set your phone or camera on the pad and presto it charges without cables. People, this stuff is for real.

The central and most controversial area of ZPE research is “free energy”. That’s right – free energy taken right from space itself! Many scientists misunderstand the idea of free energy, saying it breaks the first law of thermodynamics by creating energy out of nothing. But we’re not talking alchemy here. Proof for ZPE’s existence can be found by lowering Helium to absolute zero. While it should freeze, it doesn’t because of the non-thermal radiation still resonating in space. That is, the same residual vibration perpetually nudging Helium’s electrons to continue orbiting their nucleus could be tapped to provide the world with an endless source of free energy [Feasibility Study of Zero-Point Energy Extraction From the Quantum Vacuum for the Performance of Useful Work, Thomas Valone, Ph.D, P.E., 2004]. In 1891 Tesla stated: “Many generations may pass, but in time our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the Universe.”

While work proceeds on extracting residual energy from space, a method related to ZPE tackles the idea of free energy by using electromagnetically resonant objects to convert free electrostatic energy in the Earth’s atmosphere into electromagnetism that could power a generator. Here’s how it works.

The Earth produces a high voltage electric field between its positively charged atmosphere and negatively charged surface. This electrostatic field is continually replenished by the Sun’s radiation and/or cosmic rays and extends from the ionosphere to the surface with a potential difference of about 400,000 volts. This field is never depleted, in spite of the continuous discharge from lightening, and is estimated to produce at least thirty times the world’s energy consumption in a year.

One recent patent and prototype actually employs a pyramidal shaped capacitor to induce an imbalance between the Earth’s electrostatic field and its magnetic field [P. Grandics, U.S. Patent #20010032905]. This is said to create a space vortex in the hypothetical space lattice that spontaneously generates a magnetic field suitable for power generation. There is experimental evidence to support this claim, including control studies demonstrating the vastly superior inductance capacity of pyramidal and conical geometry over alternative capacitor geometries. Who knows, maybe the ancient Egyptians were doing more with those gold tipped Giza Pyramids than simply aligning them with the constellations for celestial reincarnation.

In August 2006, a UK company called Steorn [] was featured in The Guardian magazine announcing plans for widespread deployment of a free energy technology they called Orbo. Said to be based on the interaction of magnetic fields, they have selected a jury of renowned scientists to review and validate their work prior to release. So while the world waits for their next move, imagine what would happen if a television commercial appeared tomorrow offering to install a free energy power generator in your backyard.

Since a free energy generator would produce electricity from the atmosphere day and night, rain or shine, there would be no practical barrier to use. It would store up energy while you sleep and produce no hazardous waste. With less reliance and burden on the power grid, freely powered electric cars would more quickly replace costly internal combustion machines. Best of all, your electric bill and carbon emissions would both decline sharply.

But if this hasn’t totally rearranged your neurons yet, consider the possibility of air and space flight based on another mysterious electrical force. A few years ago, NASA began licensing a patent entitled Apparatus and Method for Generating Thrust Using a Two Dimensional Asymmetrical Capacitor Module [U.S. Patents # 6317310, 6411493, 20020012221] based on the 1928 Biefield-Brown Effect. This patent uses electrically charged “capacitors”, constructed into a specific geometric lattice, to induce motion without any visible thrust or motor. Similar patents integrate the capacitor geometry directly into an aircraft fuselage enabling it to hover and propel itself at high speeds through an “electro-fluid-dynamic field”. Again, the propulsion is entirely static with no moving parts, wings or thrust.

While this also sounds like kooky science fiction, there are quite a few researchers around the world actually testing small passive electrically propelled aircraft that demonstrate amazing stability and speed with absolutely no moving parts. Tests by one French scientist even produced increased lift capacity when incorporating pyramidal geometry in the design, though he gives no reason why he tried it or why it worked. [For videos go to:]

Just like wireless and free electricity, passive electrical propulsion technology based on the Biefield-Brown Effect has been mostly ignored by mainstream science even though it was demonstrated more than seventy-five years ago. The lack of a theoretical explanation has been suggested as the reason nothing happened with it. But today, ZPE and space lattice theories explain the Effect as simply a pressure differential in the space lattice created by the electrical field of the craft, propelling the craft towards its positive pole. Whatever the cause, it just works and should be developed further.

Each of these ZPE technologies has the potential to disrupt the economy and society, but when taken in combination the change could be unparalleled. Conversion from fossil fuels to electricity would cause the huge oil, automotive and electric companies to implode, re-leveling the world economy and transitioning into a new economic paradigm. Painful, yes, but on the plus side world politics would be reformed, wars for oil would disappear, carbon emissions would decline and quality of life would improve with cleaner air and lower energy costs. Third world countries would have greater access to power, offering those people new hope. Transportation would reemerge as something entirely new and who knows about space travel.

As always, there are several theories that attempt to explain why ZPE has been buried for so long. One theory holds that leading governments, aware of the potential economic disruption, classified these technologies as national secrets and purposely withheld funding for wireless electricity and free energy alternatives. Another theory claims ZPE became a covert military science that continues to operate in secret. And yet another theory suggests that a parallel science was developed deep inside the powerful Freemason organization, which coincidentally places great importance on “resonant geometry” and Egyptian mysteries.

We might dismiss these theories out of hand if the lapse in science just didn’t seem so unbelievable in light of the potential benefits. Even the idea of an underground science producing advanced aircraft seems a bit more plausible when you consider that a common thread in all UFO sightings is silent propulsion, instant acceleration and geometrically shaped fuselages. How are we to understand this forgotten science and formulate a consistent worldview?

My own theory is this. People can’t help but follow the path of least resistance and greatest reward. With oil plentiful and the climate unimportant, the universities educated scientists to serve consumer demand. Since scientists are people too, they just followed the trends. In the area of electrical engineering, that trend was overwhelmingly focused on digital circuitry, not exploitation of analog electrical phenomena. The digital age blinded us to untapped analog forces. No conspiracy theories are necessary to see how mass culture sets the priorities for its scientists, artists and few remaining philosophers.
But a perfect storm is brewing and it’s electrical. The politicians and automobile makers are beginning to feel the pressure to consider alternative fuels. And with Web 2.0 funding mostly behind us, investors are hungry for a new technology wave to ride. The time is right to solve the energy problem. Look for Zero-Point Energy technologies to serve up something spectacular in the next few years – perhaps in time for Thanksgiving 2012.

For more information on Zero-Point Energy, visit