Phi in Harmonic Formation

The ancient Pythagorean theory of harmony known as Musica Universalis says that everything in the universe originated from a single sound. Atoms, planets and people were all believed to have resonated into existence like music. More than just a religious belief, the theory came from studying proportions in planetary cycles, musical scales and the geometry of life. At the center of this harmonic science was the Divine Proportion.

Modern scientists are only now beginning to realize how right this theory was. It began in 1932 when Russian physicist Lev Landau found that intersecting plasma waves exchange energy across a tiny vortex called a “damping well.” [1] Then in 1997, another study found Landau damping wells follow Fibonacci proportions in magnetic standing waves. [2] Today we know it is Fibonacci vortices at golden sections in standing waves that distribute energy and enable harmonic formation (Fig. 1). Without ‘Phi-damping,’ standing waves could not form, particles would not exist and atoms could not bond.

Figure 1. Harmonic standing wave sharing energy inside Phi-damping wells.

Phi-damping wells also suppress the formation of fractional waves that would otherwise kill harmonic resonance. Any two harmonics that try to cross at a Fibonacci proportion of 13:8 or greater will increasingly damp one another. Applied recursively, this process weeds out destructive fractional waves, leaving behind only simple whole number harmonics. Everything truly does resonate around the Divine Proportion – a grand scientific musical process discovered thousands of years ago.

1. Landau, L., “On the vibration of the electronic plasma.” J. Phys. USSR 10 (1946), 25. English translation in JETP 16, 574.
2. Dios-Leyva, M., et. al. (1997), “Quasi-periodic structure of Landau magnetic levels and absorption spectra of GaAs – (Ga, Al) As Fibonacci superlattices under in-plane magnetic fields.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Volume 9, Number 5.